Gundam: G no Reconguista (Gundam Reconguista in G), the franchise creator Yoshiyuki Tomino's major Gundam project since the 2005-2006 Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam film trilogy, will debut this fall. It is set in "Reguild Century," the era set after the Universal Century, and it will follow the adventures of a pilot trainee named Beruri Zenamu in Capital Guard, an organization protecting a space elevator. The character designer is Kenichi Yoshida, and the mecha designer are Akira Yasuda, Ippei Gyōbu, and Kimitoshi Yamane. Yuugo Kanno is scoring the music.
During the Kidou Senshi Gundam 35th Anniversary Announcement, Gundam creator, Tomino Yushiyuki said that the new Gundam: G no Reconguista is not meant for the UC or Origin fans but for the children. The series was made so that children of Gundam fans can enjoy.
How the title of the series was decided
“G” was taken from “ガンタム大地に立つ” “Gundam Daichi ni Tatsu” (Gundam Raising)
“大地” means “Ground”
Originally レコンギスタ was supposed to be “レコン キ スタ” Reconguista was suppose to be Reconkista originally.
The reason why for the change was because they thought the title wouldn’t stand out.