
09 June 2012

Review - 1/100 MG Turn A Gundam

Its been a while since I do blogging... (I wonder if I do have avid readers as some bloggers did) =P
Now it is turn for Turn A Gundam to shine! >.< 

This MG was Bandai's 100th Master Grade and they really choose the best MS to be made as a Master Grade. Well I can say I impress with this kit. A lot.

The inner frame, well I can say that it is simple. The cavity hole in the chest really bother me since it is no rigid enough when I try to insert the head but nonetheless I did it. I like the head construction since the eye part was not a sticker decal but rather a clear part =D.

 The articulation is pretty nice. Almost 90 degree thanks to the fluidity of joint co-develop with Syd Mead. Double joint that is.

 The MS itself is awesome. It doesn't need super big bla bla bla wings or thruster. This kit is plain, too plain and maybe can be a turn off to some younger builder. But I like the design, so futuristic (by the mean of 80's view of futuristic) =D

 That leg's curve. Ahhhhh..... Orgasmic..... Thanks to the shin joint =D

 Spread that leg b****! Literally, how many kits can do this?

 The shoulder armor itself is awesome. Even though it is fix to the body, but the armor can move in order for the arm to move upward.  

My biggest complaint is the scale of the pilot, Rolan Cehack.... While the standing model of him is standard as other MG kit would do, but in the cockpit he is so small... I wonder if the standing model is inaccurate.

All the equipment ON! Rolan Cehack! Ikkimasu !

 The wierd looking rifle. It is so wierd but practical.. Can hold it like a briefcase LOL

 The beam saber... =_= so THIN! But that is the way how the beam saber looks in the anime..

 The Gundam Hammer! Yeah.... Medieval weaponry combine with the modern technology. What a marriage... =D

 Hiarghh!!! (lame Photoshop skill =P)

 The signature move =D
 The missiles located the the chest cavity. It also can hold cow (?)

 The Moonlight Butterfly system. The system that destroy the civilization into primitive state... =D

Like I said, it can hold a cow in it =D

- The MG itself is unique. This is due to the fact that it is a mustache Gundam =D
- The build is simple enough even the newbies can build it.
- No use of polycaps. All plastic to plastic connection. This is common when Katoki Hajime involved in the built.
- The design is sleek especially the legs. It can curve...

- The scale for Rolan Cehack was screwed up by Bandai.
- The design (?)
- Sometimes the joint was weak...


This kit is awesome to build if you like the anime itself. Even though this MS never shows its full potential by Rolan since he was a pacifist, but when we look into its history, this MS really fuc*ed the world up. In term of the kit, Bandai really did their best to construct a kit like Syd Mead design it. It is so practical and doesn't have cheap gimmicks like other MG do. All the gimmicks have their practical uses and wasn't for a show. I strongly recommend this kit for you to build (If you can accept the mustache =D)

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