
04 April 2012

Review - RG ZGMF-X10 Freedom Gundam

Yes, welcome back to my humble blog for a review of the Real Grade ZGMF-X10 Freedom Gundam

As I promised earlier in my blog, I bought this RG and make a review of it so you guys can make a decision whether to buy this kit or not

First, we talk about the runner parts. For this size (1/144 scale) this runner quite many and was expected for a Real Grade. For this kit, the color separation was not too many on the kit but the amount of sticker decals given was awesome and can counterbalance for the lack of color separation

As usual, the inner frame is the same as previous build of RG with the exception at the waist - leg connection where MG like connection present for the sake of action base - gimmick

As for the kit, the sticker decals provided a detailed looks for this kit. Z.A.F.T version and Eternal version of sticker decals were present and I opt to choose for Z.A.F.T version which is way cooler than the Eternal (as well as Freedom was originally from Z.A.F.T then that f***ing Kira Yamato stole that MS with the help of Lacus Clyne)

I hate the foil sticker for metal joint effect at the elbow... Damn....

The railgun have more parts than the MG counterpart and more color accurate.

Freedom KICK!

Beam rifle, shield and two beam sabers provided ( I love the way Bandai provided the detail for the shield)

And yes, the blue part for the rifle was not sticker but part from the runner... Bandai finally listen to the fan. (The MG need to use sticker or paint it)

Six hand manipulators provided for this kit: a pair of RG typical hand manipulator, pair of closed fist, open palm and beam rifle type hand

The wing parts is awesome... Seriously....

Actually, the wing part is so heavy and the kit always tend to lean backward...

Thats why I said the wing part is cool. The blue-black part can do split for a better effect of Full Burst Mode.

The MG can't split the blue-black part....

The MG can stand better than the RG... The inner frame was more solid than the RG itself.

The Real Grade Club.... (No Zaku THANKS!)

With HG Gundam AGE-2 Normal

Which shot is better?

Number 1?

Number 2?

Number 3?


- Nice build quality
- A lot of sticker decals
- Good articulation
- A lot better than the MG
- Beam saber that longer than the height of the kit itself

- Foil sticker on the elbow connection always sticking out from it place
- Parts always falling down
- The right arm connection quite loose (or maybe I just not lucky enough to get a slightly defect part because the left arm connection is good enough)


As you can expected from Real Grade, the build quality is good and I like the way that this line still doesn't have bootleg unlike HG and MG which abundant of bootlegs flourish in the market and what sadden me is that many of the builder support bootleg products. I vow not to buy bootleg product (with the exception of MC model which I found that the kit is undefinable by the law of originality) I hope that my writing doesn't affected your opinion to buy this kit and what I can say is that when you go Real Grade, you never go back LOL (kinda unfit... once you go BLACK, you never go BACK =P)


  1. Thanks for giving a detailed review on this kit ^^ I've been wondering which rg kit to get for a while now especially since zeta came out.. If you had to pick one which one would it be?

    Personally I think shot number 3 is better :p

  2. I got almost all RG out there except Char Zaku, Zaku and Striker Pack but I suggest u buy the 1st RG Gundam first...
