
14 March 2013

Review - MG 1/100 Master Gundam

Heh ironic isn't it? Master Grade Master Gundam... hahaha

Hye Welcome back again to Gunpla Re-BOOT! for another review of Gunpla model.

This time I'm gonna do review on MG 1/100 Master Gundam

Its not like that I love this kit in fact I hate this Gundam very much. Nevertheless, whenever I bought a new Gunpla I need to do review on it. LOL

Before that, if anyone of you do not recognize this Gundam, Master Gundam was from the Future Century Timeline which mean it is from G Gundam. This Gundam was owned by Master Asia which turns out as Domon Kasshu's teacher in martial arts.

No need for history learning lets go for the review, shall we?

Completed Model

To start with this kit, may I remind you that this kit consist nuts and screws, tiny screws therefore please be careful before assembling the kit.

This kit, well I'm gonna say pretty bad ass looking with the wings and the color scheme, matching the nature of Master Gundam which in fact a henchman for Devil Gundam for its agenda.

It comes with rubber hand manipulators, and rubber sole foot. It use screws on joints in order to secure them. You cannot ignore the screws especially on the ankle joint since the screws locked the joint.

Master Grade for the G Gundam marks the first full inner frame compared with previous MG which only have inner frame for the legs and arms.

The articulation was quite meh...... Nothing to bragged about. Nevertheless, for RM120 you can't say anything anymore.. Just deal with it.

Nevertheless, this MG was sturdy enough to stand with one legs. The screws really help in the sturdy build for this kit.

The famous pose for both Master and God Gundam. LOL

The figure of Master Asia which I don't even bother to paint.

Master Asia kick!

Darkness Finger!!!!!!!

LOL, it even had the Beam Cloth similar weapon use in 80's Kungfu movies where the heroes only use a piece of cloth to defeat the bad guys.

The arm can extend with the help from wire..... 

With his arch nemesis, Domon Kasshu

Since the Burning Finger from God Gundam was not the same size with Darkness Finger, Bandai was generous enough to gives an extra Darkness Finger for the use for God Gundam LOL

  • Sturdy and rigid construction thanks to screws and nuts.
  • Cheap
  • The wings connection not so good
  • Articulation was bad
  • I rather have plastic hands rather than rubber hand


This kit is not a must have on list. If you don't watch the series, I guess you better off with other Gunpla model unless you don't want to spend much money on Gunpla, you can buy this kit. Nevertheless, this kit were sturdy and I can bet this kit can stand longer than any newer MG in term of joint longevity. LOL

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