
06 December 2012

Review - S.I.C Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Agito Trinity Form

Yes! Finally! This blog has material to review after several period of no reviews at all. Nevertheless, I believe that you guys enjoyed reading all the "reviews" if you know what I mean. =3

This time I'm gonna do review about Super Imaginative Chogokin a.k.a S.I.C Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Agito Trinity Form. Even though Toei promoted the show as Masked Rider Agito due to the fact that they gained popularity across world wide somehow they think "Hey how about we Englishfied the word 'Kamen' into 'Masked'?" HaHaHa.

Anyway, this is a budget, more affordable line in S.I.C and smaller in size too. =D

Lets go for the review, shall we?


Out of the box, we got is a Kamen Rider Agito Trinity Form, a Storm Halberd, a Flame Saber, two sets of open-palm and weapon-holding palm.

Since this form is a combination between Ground (the chest), Storm (the left arm) and Flame (the right arm), you got this three color combination hence came the Trinity Form name.The figure itself look detailed and menacing.

The Alter Ring (Agito's henshin belt), looking nice and detailed too. That is why I favor this kits line compared to S.H Figuarts.

The head also can do the signature Agito's full power where the crest on his head open and possibly the monster-of-the-week will be destroyed with his Rider Kick.

Are you still reading my review? You better do!

Doing the pose before final attack

Hey! Where is the effect of the ground?!!!!!

Ahhh! Forget that! The editor must forget to include the CGI! F*ck you!

Die you!!!!
Complete Figure

Trinity Form gave Agito the access toward two weapons which is Storm Halberd (the twin bladed pole) and Flame Saber (the sword of course). These weapons do have gimmick themselves where the pole's blade can be fold like in the series and the sword cross guard (one that look like the head) will opened similar to the crest on the head when power up.

See? I told you it can opened!

Hiargh! You wanna die?

Die you OverLord!

I guess I still an amnesiac..... Who the heck am I?

This figure is a worth of money because it is beautiful, good point of articulation, nicely paint and CHEAP. Even though it is small in size (most of this line height roughly around 12cm), it is pack with awesomeness and good value over money. I highly recommend for you to buy this figure.


Agito: Hey do you want to taste my banana I grew in my backyard?

Kaixa: What? Banana? Your banana? I'm not gay you jerk!

Hey! Not my banana but the real banana I grew on my backyard

I'm not interested at all! Why do I want to taste your banana?

Agito: Aahh.. Mr. Kaixa don't want to taste my banana because he is too anti-social..

Kaixa: Give me your banana

Agito: Hahaha finally. This is my banana. Do you like it?

How do you make it so big?!

I grew them with love and care that's all.

Kaixa: Hell no! You must put radioactive substance in it! I wont eat it!

Why you do that? Don't you pity this amnesiac man?

F*ck off you freak!

Why you!!!!

You gonna die!!!! This is AGITO!!!!!

Hey dude! Chill out! I mean no harm!

Go find you dad!

Agito: Hiarghh! Die you! I wont forgive you for insulting my Nana-chan

Kaixa: Who the hell is Nana-chan?!

Agito: Nana-chan is my BANANANANANANA!!!!
(what happen is too gruesome to be shown on kids show)

No one mess with my banana!

Hey you! Do you care to taste my banana?

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