
10 November 2012

Random Post - Waiting For Some Actions Next Year.... With Emma Ma'embong

Hye, welcome back again on Gunpla Re-BOOT and this time I'm gonna share u guys about one of my bucket lists which is OWNING A PS3! (along with owning a Supersport Bike and getting laid, legally of course!) and three games which caught my attention which is Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Final Fantasy versus XIII.

And with the announce of Super Slim PS3, the urge to own a PS3 become increasingly high! HaHaHa

Some will gonna say why PS3? Coz FF Versus 13 was exclusively on PS3 that's why.... =D

And check out this Malaysia Actress


She is f***ing cute and adorable! Me want her (but me can't HaHaHa)

Well, that will wrap up this post! TaTa

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