
01 October 2012

Review - HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX

Hye, welcome back to another review in Gunpla Re-BOOT

LOL, well since I'm a not a rich modeller, one review per month is adequate for me...

This month, I'm gonna review about HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-FX.

For anyone who doesn't know what FX mean is, it is stand for "Follow X-Rounder" specifically the MS itself can keep up the user's abilities since X-Rounder (even without much training) can pilot Gundam much better than normal pilot (not mentioning Super Pilot like Asemu coz he manage to withheld Zeheart which is a X-Rounder).

Since this MS was created by none other Kanetake Ebikawa, the design itself resemble 00 Qan[T] a little bit especially for the funnels.

Lets go for the review

Completed Model

The kit itself without the weapons added just awesome standing like that. The head unit look good except for the mouth plate. It look like a duck? Why just make the plain mouth plate like Exia or just put the ol' good RX-78-2 mouth plate. It got a slim waist compared to previous generation of AGE gundam which is good. It use double polycap joint. The elbow joint... well I pretty disappointing with it since it can bend forward and backward just like in AGE-2.

It can do kneeling pose very good.

For the Core Fighter, it use kinda like in G-Gundam and it just there... Kio never use this at all... Since AGE-FX just too good to be destroyed by the enemy. Literally, the Veigan just do not have the chances to damaged AGE-FX up to the point that this Core Fighter does not have much function. LOL

When putting the C-Funnels into AGE-FX, the model itself tranform from average looking Gundam into AWESOME looking Gundam.

The rifle, Stungle Rifle is looking good but I like Sigmaxxis rifle even more than this.

Bandai was brilliant enough to give this kit with C-Funnels stand. Looking good....

Charge Mode Stungle Rifle!

During the last episode of Gundam AGE, they manage to develop weapon enhancement for Stungle Rifle and it was called Deidal Bazooka.

Ikke! C-Funnels! (Don't kill the pilots please) *bitch please*

Well, just pray than in ur box, Bandai give beam saber with it. Hell no, this kit never have Beam Saber even though it do have beam saber but unlike other beam saber, it came out from the forearm shield. (I try to put the beam saber onto the forearm but they keep falling, instead I just use AGE-2 beam saber to do this pose)

Obviously, Grandpa's Gundam are shorter than AGE-FX

Dad's Gundam also shorter than AGE-FX

Well, mine got the same height! Thank God 

AGE-3 should never be with this three since AGE-3 sucks big time although I like the fact that Kio kill Veigan a lot more in AGE-3 rather than in AGE-FX (did he kill anyone in AGE-FX?)


- Nice clear part for the C-Funnels
- Two blue type color just great.
- Great weaponry especially the Deidal Bazooka.
- Good articulation and poses


- No beam sabers
- Clear parts for AGE system and for Core fighter cockpit were just plain clear part.
- The elbow joint can move forward and backward. Wierd


For the final lead Gundam, this is Awesome looking compared to if the producer stick to the AGE-3 until the end of the series. C-Funnels usage for AGE-FX really change the course of the war itself but sadly, this MS were pass down to the Bitchy Girly Kio Asuno. If this Gundam were pass to his grandpa, I guess there will be a lot of casualty on Veigan's side HaHaHa. I'm looking forward for the MG version of this kit or RG version =D.


  1. For god sake! why Bandai never put Beam Saber together with it?? @_@

  2. LOL probably Bandai just too lazy to bundle it together since the main attraction for this Gundam were C-Funnels
