
24 June 2012

Durian Durian.... and MG Blitz Gundam

Now is the time for Durian.... Durian season....

Never has a fruit that have the love-hate relationship with human being than other fruits....
Some might like it, some not....

Well I love it.... I LOVE TO EAT DURIAN!
well most of foreigner especially in Western they hate the King of Fruit of South East Asia....

I don't know why they hate it... Some said it has rotten smell, trash smell, taste like shit bla bla bla...


Durian have DA MOST AWESOME TASTE among fruits in the world..... Exotic flavor said....

The westerner they mostly will hate durian.... considering there were many kind of fruits that suits their taste bud such as strawberry, berries, oranges and etc2... But hey, even some Asian hate the taste of Durian...

Relena Dorian (like what the seiyuu in Gundam Wing pronounce the name Relena Darlian...)

Well.... as soon as I get my payment for my work, I will start on my new project which is

Well I got the No Grade Version of this kit...... But Clear Type Version....


enough said....

Bye Bye

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