
25 March 2012

Review - LBX Lucifer 0_0 o0o

Yes! Why? Because it is a LBX? Not a Gundam? HAHAHA I do need a wind of change too >.<

before that lets hear from SHINee - Lucifer LOL (kinda like BGM for my review =P)

Looking good =D

The paint chipping a little bit... Damn why the black paint always like that

Limited articulation. Only 90 degree T_T

Same goes to the leg... 
What? A cockpit???

Nope... HAHAHA this is not a Gundam dude

Nice looking LBX! The wing... :orgasm:

Trying so hard to replicate the yellow lining on the shield


- It is cheap and good looking
- The parts is easily to separate from the runner using just fingers. Seriously... no need to use cutter
- The construction is easy

- The build sometime can be confusing since the runner not only divided by part A, B.... but also by Head, Body, Arm, Leg, Weapon and Armor
- The articulation is a meh....
- Too much stickers (which I try avoid from using them but in the end I had to used them)


Since this LBX is my first in my collection, I can't say much about it. At first, I wanted to buy LBX Achilles but unfortunately, the only store that offer the kit sell it at a premium price while I can get it cheaper at other stores..... Damn you AEON! I hope this LBX won't be the last thing in my collection and there will be more of them coming soon. 

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