
06 July 2011

Review - SIC Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Blade King Form

Hi.... Its been a while since I'm not posting for this blog since I'm too busy with my schedule (or rather I'm just too lazy for blogging) Yes, this is the loot for June which is S.I.C Kiwami Tamashii Kamen Rider Blade KIng Form.

To begin with, let me explain to you guys what is the meaning for acronym of S.I.C stands for. It is for "Super Imaginative Chogokin". Well, the name has already explain why the design for all the figures from this line has such a radical design than their original design. It is not like I dont want to buy S.H Figuarts but I rather spend such money for a design that is differ than their original form.

OK lets me begin the review. 

The Box

As usual from the packaging we usually will get from this line. No need to explain much about this since there is no attraction to its except for the back where it show the 3D render for the figure.


For this figure, we got the figure (of course) the weapons and two pair of hands, and of course the manual.  Since this is not a plastic model, there is no direction to cut this and that just a manual of how to put the weapon in the hand etc2.

We got two type of sword which is King Rouser and Blade Rouser. Two pair of holding hands(which do not help as much as you want to) But there are minor problem~~~~

This crap! Why they are too lazy to paint the completely??? Luckily this figure come with a cheap price of RM55.

The figure

This figure can stand(?) hahaha just joke. Well the design and the details on it make me forgive the crappy sword earlier in this post. Look at that masterpiece!

Not much to do with the articulation. The price said it all. 

Look at the details! Nyum2 Bandai totally make use of China labors at their limits!

Looking badass!!It has peg on the back of its body to hold King Rouser... Kinda cool

The King Rouser kinda bit heavy for the figure to hold on. Therefore some of the poses are difficult to do (can do but waste my time) and since I don't have the figure holder (unlike most reviewer had) I can't do magnificent poses from this figure. 

Raidaa Kick "Made in CHINA"


OK I'm gonna tell you. If you are looking for a nice and good articulation, you are better to but S.H Figuarts but if you are looking for a nice look and a cheap figure you better go with this kit! For the price, you would not think twice to get this figure into your collection. Definitely worth you pocket!

What a good day to walk! Since all of the Undead have been sealed I don't need to work anymore ^^

Hey! U jerk! Why you look so ugly?! HUH!

What??!!! There is still an UNDEAD left??!!!! Who are you?? You're not a Joker! What type of card are you?! Happy Family?!

You don't who I am? Well....



Hahahaha well? You know my name now?

What a jerk! You don't even say your name! You just do 'ole sanjou' that kind of thing

How dare you making fun of me??!!!!

I will kill you! With my sword!

Hahaha!! Afraid now?

LOL! With that small 'sword'? Are you making a joke or what?

Den-O: Taste my sword! You ass hole!
Blade: Come! Bring it on!

Hiarghh!!!! Taste my hissatsu attack!!!

Blade: Too weak!
Den-O: What!!!!

Arghhh!!! He is too powerful!!

Now you taste my double sword attack!

Hey2 wait the sec! We can talk yeah? Democracy dude!

F*** democracy! GTH!

Blade: You have any last wishes to make?
Den-O: I want my mama


Blade: Rest in Poop dude!




  1. Fakhruddin Ahmad DarwisThursday, 22 November, 2012

    Dude, you're hilarious. I really like your reviews. But, you really need to work your English out. Greetings from Indonesia. ^_^

  2. hahaha my English quite bad actually... but I tried to not use any incorrect spelling hahaha

  3. other than the bad painting for the weapons , the painting & sculpting for the figure are quite awesome ...also you can swap with kamen rider blade weapon ...since the painting for blay rouzer in blade kiwami tamashii is very good

    well, i also doing review for this toy line , perhaps you can visit sometime (it's on Indonesian language, but you can use google trans or translate widget on my blog)

  4. yours use better camera than I do... LOL

  5. No need.. coz I can understand Indonesian dude... =D (But I'm no Indonesian)
