Cut the chit-chat, lets read the review of MG 00 Qant ^^
Model Kit
Ahh, the machine that built for communication and understanding =.=;
not too fond toward Setsuna's idea... Kinda lame to me...
The movie also show like Harute and Zabanya was the star of the movie (eventhough they highlighted that 00Q is the star of the movie)
Ok now for the review...
First of all, the inner frame.
Well, I like about the popping GN Condenser to replicate the scene where Setsuna try to communicate with ELS.
See how nice the inner frame of this kit.
Prepare to die in my hand!
Skeleton kick!
I like the clear parts for GN Condenser because the color application is just nice!
I like to remind you guys again that this kit don't have fancy armaments like many MG SEED do. This kit comes with GN Sword V x1(which can switch between Sword mode and rifle mode), GN Sword Bits x6 and GN Shield x1. LOL
It doesn't have any GN Beam Sabers at all......
This kit look awesome just by standing there. The design is sleek and looking Exia and 00 seems like both of them look outdated LOL.
There is a serious case of munchies weight issue toward GN Shield. Too heavy..
Swinging mechanism built into this kit chest worsen the issue. (The kit can swing I mean the orb in the chest doesn't change position at all) Seems like this kit can support the weight of the GN Shield.
The rest is quite ok to me... But I hate the blue armor part on its right arm. It have the tendency to fall off quite frequent. Really annoying when considering this is a MG. But still, the connector between GN Shield and the body have not fail me and the construction quite strong. But sometime the part will fall off if not handle with care.
Just lucky to have it not leaning toward left side.
It also can wield GN Buster Sword (lucky again after several try)
I don't put LED unit because I don't have extra money ^^;
Not exactly replicate one of the scene in the movie (GN Shield was put in a wrong position)
GN Bits also can be handle and have pegs on it ^^
This kit is suitable if you are a collector of Gunpla. I will still recommend this kit to you guys on the basis of this kit have a WOW factor (mainly the design really2 cool). I really like that the fact all GN Sword Bits have the handles so the kit can wield the GN Sword bits and do so many awesome poses (I'm too lazy to do photoshoot >.<)
The fact that the kit doesn't come with an LED unit makes me angry! I don't have MG Exia Ignition Mode has worsen the case. Therefore I just put the sticker rather that put the transparent sticker to the GN Drives.
Thats all for the review for this post. Thx for reading ^^
p/s - my review quite sucks because I'm still new in this kind of writing. Please forgive me >.<