
15 June 2014

Review - HGUC 1/144 Victory 2 Gundam Custom Paint

Hye! At last, my favorite Gundam has arrived. I'm longing for this kit for a while since I have this urge to custom paint it. Yes, it is Victory 2 Gundam. Piloted by Uso Ebbing, this Gundam has lead League Militaire to victory against Zanscare Empire. Without typing too long , let us go for the review, OK?

This kit is awesome to built since it is so easy with just only 5 runners not including PC. I decided to custom painted it since I love this Gundam and when I mean custom it mean two tone white grey. I disliked painting it into another color since I like originality.

It come with

  • Beam Rifle + Grenade Launcher x1
  • Beam Shield x1
  • Beam Saber x2

Equipped with Minovsky Drive, this Gundam can hover and fly without any problem unlike previous UC Gundam. Talk about the last series in UC universe (in Timeline arrangement of course)

The articulations is okay except for elbow joint which I found only bend about 60 degree.

 Beam Rifle

 With Grenade Launcher

 Beam Shield

 Beam Saber

 Beam Saber overrated effect

Core Fighter


This kit is simply awesome. I like this kit a lot. I'm glad that Bandai decided not to use transformation gimmick and go for separate Core Fighter and the main body. Highly recommended .

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