
02 December 2012

Review - MG 1/100 MSN-001A1 Delta Plus

Hye! Welcome back again for another review of Gunpla in Gunpla Re-BOOT.

This time, I'm gonna do review on MG 1/100 Delta Plus. Frankly, this is a bit too late for this review since I had purchased it a long time ago. Nevertheless, I'm still gonna do it since this is a Gunpla Blog right?

At that time when I took the pictures, I'm not using any digital camera or DSLR but I used a cameraphone specifically Sony Ericsson K770i. HaHaHa
That is why the quality image do not look so good.

 Ok lets go for the review shall we?

First of all, this model were piloted by Riddhe Marcenas and this model were based on MSN-001 Delta Gundam which were never produced.

The model itself were not too hard to build except for the transformation which you need to follow the instruction.

The inner frame for this kit is good. The structure itself was rigid albeit the transformation which for me was quite fragile. Nevertheless, I truly fond toward the beauty of this kit since if you know me, I DON'T LIKE NON-GUNDAM UNIT. However, this kit was an exceptional.

Mobile Suit Mode

Even though this kit was a transformable mobile suit, the articulation itself was good. The armaments given were standard beam rifle and shield which holds beam sabers, 2-barrel grenade launcher and beam cannon.

The beam saber itself were bluish compared to standard Gundam beam saber which pinky in color.

Without this things, you can't do the transformation for the kit.
Waverider Mode

The model's waverider mode were similar to Zeta Plus and this give this kit look more like a fighter jet rather than a robot disguise in fighter jet.

With MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam Ver.Ka

Replicating the Box Art

- The kit itself look good.
- The articulation quite good for a transformable mobile suit.
- Long rifle?


- The transformation was quite fragile.
- The chest unit was also quite fragile.
- The decals given were too few.


This kit must be in your collection if you a Die Hard Fan of  Unicorn Gundam. If you not, please buy it just for aesthetically reason only. Transformable kit were not so sturdy enough even though they have inner frame. This is because they need to sacrifice rigidity in favor of transformation gimmick.

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