
18 September 2012

Review - RG 1/144 ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam

Hye, welcome again to another review in Gunpla Reboot. This time it will gonna be

RG 1/144 ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam

As you all know, the MS was introduced in Gundam SEED and was produced together with ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam. (and I got the review for the RG and MG check it out)

This MS was piloted by Athrun Zala and originally was produced by ZAFT and soon joined Orb in threesome war LOL

Hell yeah lets check out this sh**!

The Frame

As usual for the inner frame of RG quality, I'm too tired to explain about it.... With some differences mainly at waist and torso.

I like how this kit can stand on its own (I mean that without the backpack) The color separation and sticker decals really pops this kit out and I can say this kit is way better than Master Grade of any kits out there.

However, I kinda dislike the way the V-fin always popping out from its place. Kinda sucks.

The clear part on the head was clear obviously and I've painted it with clear blue and topcoat it with Glossy type.

Completed model

The 00-Fatom was so heavy that I need to use the wings on it just to make the kit to stand. I don't know how they can make the kit stand on its own like at the box. I wonder what magic they use... Probably Adobe Photoshop? =P

I gonna repeat this pose over and over again for every Gundam with beam rifle coz its COOL!

I wonder why RG lineup always give the MG standard of beam saber since the kit itself was 1/144 in scale...

While the 00-Fatom in flying mode, the head itself can't move freely and kinda restricted. This is due to the fact that the V-fin itself obstructing the head from turning and this restricted the kit to pose the head according to the pose I needed

We can put the kit on the 00-Fatom while many poses can be done but I opted no to do that since I WAS TOO LAZY and I'm afraid to break the kit. (It was expensive for 1/144 kits)


- Color separation was the best
- 00-Fatom was cool
- The details on the kit really put the RG on class of its own


- For the sake of details in 1/144 scale, some parts have the tendency to pop out from their original places especially the V-fin
- The wings feel flimsy and can break if not careful
-  The decals itself need to trim off a little bit to make them look nice


Well, if you own RG Freedom Gundam, I suggest that you buy this kit. If you like Strike Freedom and hoping for the RG version, well I suggest that skip this kit and pray for Infinite Justice to be release in RG.

Eventhough the 00-Fatom looks cool but in reality, it is heavy. The kit itself can't standing straight and need to support with it's wings. The frame itself wasn't rigid enough to withstand the weight of the 00-Fatom (and I bet that if the MG version would be release, the kit itself can't stand straight LOL)

For now, I just wait for RG Zeta Gundam to be released.. LOL


  1. Nice Blog, I like it. Maybe I'll pass this Justice Gundam and wait for other gundam models. I hope Gundam Avalanche will come. xD

  2. do you mean Avalance Exia???
