
30 September 2012

Me and Teh Tarik

Well, this is boring.. With still no paycheck made into my account (at least for this month) well there will be no review of new Gunpla. Nevertheless, I want to share my favorite beverage and most of Malaysians, Teh Tarik a.k.a Pulled Tea (LOL)

Basically, in Malaysia there will be two basic tea beverages which is Teh 'O' and Teh. What is the difference between both of this beverages? Teh 'O' got only sugar but no milk mixed with it and Teh is tea that mixed with sugar and milk together.It is kinda funny during my study period in University which a foreign student asked about the difference between Teh 'O' and Teh hahaha

Well back to the point, Teh Tarik is made using Black Tea mixed with sweetened condensed creamer and the name come from the action of pouring process of "pulling" the drink during preparation. The mixture is poured back and forth repeatedly between two vessels from a height, giving it a thick frothy top. This process cools the process fluid (tea) to optimal drinking temperatures, and helps to thoroughly mix the tea with the condensed milk. It is also done to give the tea a better flavor.

And yes, Teh Tarik tasted better than the plain milk tea.... It got the extra ompphhh that I need from a tea beverage. 


19 September 2012

Original or Bootleg?

Hye.... this is the dilemma for any modeller especially the beginner (as well as the pro although many pro opt for the original) whether to buy the original or bootleg. For me, I go for original kit (except for MC Model which they don't copy 100% from the original kit)

Nevertheless, many beginner modellers always choose to buy bootleg kits since they were cheaper in price. For me, why the hell you buy the bootleg for the first time since you will never feel the true experiences of building a model kit from the original maker. If you want to buy the bootleg, I suggest that you buy for your 2nd or etc after you have purchased the original kit. After that, you can compare both of them and from there, you can truly appreciate the value of original kit.

However, this was my opinion and you guys have other opinions and could be better than me.

Please support the original kit whether it is from Bandai or Kotobukiya or other producer that produce original kits. Don't support bootleg product like TT Hongli or etc2.  

18 September 2012

Review - RG 1/144 ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam

Hye, welcome again to another review in Gunpla Reboot. This time it will gonna be

RG 1/144 ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam

As you all know, the MS was introduced in Gundam SEED and was produced together with ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam. (and I got the review for the RG and MG check it out)

This MS was piloted by Athrun Zala and originally was produced by ZAFT and soon joined Orb in threesome war LOL

Hell yeah lets check out this sh**!

03 September 2012