
02 November 2011

Review - HG 1/144 Gundam AGE-1 Normal Type

Yeah.. to commemorate the new series in Gundam franchise which is Gundam AGE, I had bought the model kit which is Gundam AGE-1 Normal type.

First looking to this Gundam, it is resemble its fore father which is RX-78 Gundam ^_^

Lets cut the crap and go for the review which is rather short since I don't have time anymore for blogging since I busy working my ass out for some money LOL

Decent looking box art (Since this show is intended for children the boxart give a different perspective)

It got only 3 runners (well its a HG anyway)

The panel line kinda thick =_= so lazy to clean up the mess LOL

put some left over sticker decal from MG Crossbone and F91

DODS rifle position kinda restricted to me
(maybe since this is HG wait for the MG version for sure gonna rock)

Flit Asuno Ready to engaged UE!

Beam saber + beam dagger

Replicating the box art

Gundam -> 0 Gundam -> Gundam AGE



- Pretty good articulation
- Good sticker
- Lots of panel line to add some details
- Good head design refreshing look

- Too plain design
- Black sticker for the knee kinda lame (which I just paint em)
- Polycaps use for sure gonna loosen up time after time


This kit is kinda good for older Gundam fans since the story is intended for children (but I dont see any child material in the storyline except for the character and Genoace design). This kit has a lot to gives for modeller and perhaps this kit should be in your collection! =D


  1. Nice review, I want my own HG AGE 1 - Normal now.

  2. Yes go buy it! But probably u should buy the MG....
