
12 September 2011

Review - MG 1/100 ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam

Yes I mean it...
The review of one of my loot , Freedom Gundam ^^
The long awaited review I guess. :P

better be prepare guys

Upper side

For the head unit, I've painted the eyes since I personally hate to use the sticker.

The head is quite nice, it is like Strike head unit but I hate the fact that the v-fin always want to slide out from the head grr... Like almost I want to glue it LOL

For the body unit, it is a big disappointment since it is lack of detail going on there. I know the armor will cover up the inner frame but hey this is MG we are talking about, but I still can forgive this since it is a MG which rolled out on 2004.

The arm unit can bend almost 180 degree and that is Bandai specialty which has captured most of their fans.

Bottom side 

 The leg unit also quite promising with almost 180 degree turn but I hate the fact that the ankle is WEAK.

Seriously, they were weak...

I've done detailing on the inner frame which I painted the piping channel. I like it a lot!

Completed Model

Once the kit completed, it look great. But you need to bear with its major problem, BACK HEAVINESS

Most of all Gunplas with big oversized back pack will encounter this problem but hey this Gundam look good in aerial poses then why bother putting it on the ground :D

the articulation is great!

Ball joint connection! Grr.... I hate it!

uuuu.... I like the Rail Gun...

owh yeahh, with his son LOL

Hi-Mat Mode

yes it prevent the Gundam from falling back


- The kit is quite cheap for a MG
- The articulation is good. It rep up for the MG fame..
- The backpack look good and dangerously seductive


- The back pack is quite heavy
- The ankle is weak


The kit is great but I don't like of how Bandai choose the ball joint connection for the legs to the waist. It limiting the articulation for the kit and it is a big let down since it was a main Gundam.

But hey, I recommended this kit to you guys and you guys should buy it and put it on your shelf!

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