
03 April 2011

Off Topic - (Slightly) Sorry Bandai, I was poisoned by this kit T_T

Well the kit is called RX-93 Hi-Nu Gundam Gundoom by MC Model.
i repeat Gundoom!!! ok its not like I'm a fan of bootleg product... but this kit is different than the other bootlegs. F*** TT Hongli! I would not buy something like that. Hell NO!

But sadly, the design is copying the Studio Reckless design <--- thats why I called it a bootleg but different case coz it is copying a resin kit LOL and its a snap kit plastic model kit (Damn yeah!)

I'm too lazy to write too long in this entry (coz I got assignment to finish!)

Let the pictures do the talking. Shall we?

Deliciously full of detailing nyum2!

I think the beam saber is too OVERSIZED!!!!!!!!! Damn I like it!

For real??? Nyummy!!!!!!

 Heck! Why I don't see the beauty of Bootleg product before Well I still don't like bootlegs.
I rather saving some money to buy the original one since I love Gundam franchise so much that I felt like I'm betraying my love toward them if I am buying the fake one.

Nevertheless, this kit has a "Wow" factor that keep making me dreaming about it. I don't know why LOL

p/s - already pre-ordered it LOL


  1. wow~ gundam all d tyme~;p

  2. thx... wait for this end of april or maybe early May will be a review for this kit ^^
