
10 April 2011

Personal Thought - Yumekui Merry!! Nice anime me like it!

Ok this story starts with a lame slow storyline... I almost giving up hope on watching this anime
but I keep following this anime till the end and the story is superb \(^_^)/ 

This story is about a Dream Demon or Muma named Merry Nightmare who somewhat was lost in Reality World and Yumeji Fujiwara who can see people's dream and can walk into what he called a daydream (a situation where the Dream world meet Reality world kinda like a border)

06 April 2011

Review - Platz 1/144 FFR-41MR Mave Yukikaze (Unboxing)

Ok I finnaly got my parcel which contain this kit


Looking big rite?

But that is the end for the fun....
Coz actually this kit are overPRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Compare to the size of the box, the price tag is 2800Yen which equivalent to RM130!!!!!!!!!!!!

You guys dont believe me? Down below is the prove!

See? Small cheesai!
For this price I can even get an MG! F*** off laa u Platz! Expensive!

This kit came with 4 runners plate and urghhhh too many work to do before completing this kit
*Attention - This kit is not suitable a modeller that like to snap fit model kit (and thats include me T_T)

Runner A

Runner B

Runner E n G (wait the sec whre the other runners go?)

Well I'm not planning to build it quickly coz THIS IS NOT A GUNDAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

owh wait! It also came with a sheet of decal (i don't know if it a dry transfer or wet) and its made in Italy LOL
Sorry blurry image (really I don't lie to u guys! It Made in Italy)

p/s - grr.... juz be patient my boy... This is a challenge to u =_="

03 April 2011

Off Topic - (Slightly) Sorry Bandai, I was poisoned by this kit T_T

Well the kit is called RX-93 Hi-Nu Gundam Gundoom by MC Model.
i repeat Gundoom!!! ok its not like I'm a fan of bootleg product... but this kit is different than the other bootlegs. F*** TT Hongli! I would not buy something like that. Hell NO!

But sadly, the design is copying the Studio Reckless design <--- thats why I called it a bootleg but different case coz it is copying a resin kit LOL and its a snap kit plastic model kit (Damn yeah!)

I'm too lazy to write too long in this entry (coz I got assignment to finish!)

Let the pictures do the talking. Shall we?

Deliciously full of detailing nyum2!

I think the beam saber is too OVERSIZED!!!!!!!!! Damn I like it!

For real??? Nyummy!!!!!!

 Heck! Why I don't see the beauty of Bootleg product before Well I still don't like bootlegs.
I rather saving some money to buy the original one since I love Gundam franchise so much that I felt like I'm betraying my love toward them if I am buying the fake one.

Nevertheless, this kit has a "Wow" factor that keep making me dreaming about it. I don't know why LOL

p/s - already pre-ordered it LOL

01 April 2011

Personal Thought - MG Epyon =.=" Dissapointing

Seems......................................................... Disappointing =.="

The head look bulky... big... look like retarded.... 
I dont know if it only me thinking like that but seriously I wanna put a paper bag on its head LOL

I dont know if the head look big because of the image (maybe the real finish product may look better) 

I hope Bandai will do something with its head >.< 



p/s: Suddenly this prototype images make my hunger for this kit disappear slowly.....

Image taken from GundamGuy <--- do visit this blog (You must visit this blog!)... he do most of the gunpla update while me focus more on myself...


sorry for wrong usage of word just straightly use google translate