
09 March 2011

Personal Thought - Upcoming MG

As we all know, on this June MG 00 Raiser will roll out and sucks all of our money >.< I admitted that I'm not to impress on this kit because there is not many feature available on this kit except inner frame (That is what MG good for) But what i worried is the weight issue. The 0-raiser was said to have inner frame and this gonna make it heavy and guess what? 00 will be like 00Q<--- side heavy >.<

Back-heavy for sure!

Ahh.... MG Epyon.....
My most favorite Gundam in AC timeline. Second after Wing Gundam Zero. Whats great about the kit is it was designed by non other mecha designer Katoki Hajime. I'm very excited for this kit to roll out. It is a great news to hear that the rumor just not a rumor. I just can't wait for this kit and I'm looking forward to buy it ^^

Ehem... Want to see the transformation to flight mode

p/s - have a dream to collect all MG EW version ^^

p/s - still thinking about buying RG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam

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