
23 March 2011

Personal Thought - Gundam Seed Side Story: Astray

Ahhh Astray..... Damn the story is good! Much better than their main counterpart. Why Sunrise never consider this story to be an anime (ok I know they already done the animation but only for juz less than 10 minutes? =.=" )
The side story consist of "too short" pilot OVA mainly focusing on Lowe Guele's Red Frame and Gai Murakami's Blue Frame and manga and novel(?)

Ahh never mind.....

You guys never care of other mobile suit features in this series except for two of them because they are more awesome!!!! 

MBF-P01 Red Frame Astray

MBF-P01 Red Frame Astray Kai

MBF-P03 Blue Frame Astray (the version that no one care of)

MBF-P03 Blue Frame Astray 2nd L 
(Named that way coz Lowe build the Tactical Arm)

MBF-P03 Blue Frame Astray 2nd Revise

Emm... I only managed to have two of their model kit and its was MG 1/100 *ehem typo only NG 1/100 Red Frame and Blue Frame which you guys can see below 

Ahh The NG that have the superb articulation of early MG

Not too great looking dull Tactical Arm in Sword Mode.. >.<

Well, today I had a Mid Semester Examination for SQQS3023 Nonparametric Decision Making and I feel sucks! =.=" The subject itself is not too hard but the formulas keep getting me confuse... >.< (Ahh wait this is Gunpla blog my dear Izzy our reader don't care about u failing in this course)

Hahaha by the way, have you guys reader the Astray manga? Could you guys share some good thought of them? Comment down below ^^ 

p/s - I want to collect the MG after this ^^

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