Basically, in Malaysia there will be two basic tea beverages which is Teh 'O' and Teh. What is the difference between both of this beverages? Teh 'O' got only sugar but no milk mixed with it and Teh is tea that mixed with sugar and milk together.It is kinda funny during my study period in University which a foreign student asked about the difference between Teh 'O' and Teh hahaha
Well back to the point, Teh Tarik is made using Black Tea mixed with sweetened condensed creamer and the name come from the action of pouring process of "pulling" the drink during preparation. The mixture is poured back and forth repeatedly between two vessels from a height, giving it a thick frothy top. This process cools the process fluid (tea) to optimal drinking temperatures, and helps to thoroughly mix the tea with the condensed milk. It is also done to give the tea a better flavor.
And yes, Teh Tarik tasted better than the plain milk tea.... It got the extra ompphhh that I need from a tea beverage.